Monday, July 16, 2018

Day 10: Cusco

We have been taking it slow over the past couple days here in Cusco. For one, we are still recovering from the strenuous Colca Canyon hike and the overnight bus journey from Arequipa. And we are also at higher elevation now (about 11,000 feet). 

Taking it slow includes long mornings reading, followed by breakfast, wandering around town and hanging out in the grand plazas until lunch, eating lunch, and catching various parades. Here are some pics:

Kevin the Plaza del Armas

Festive parade 

Cool architecture and landscape and clouds

Ever seen sleeping pigeons? We hadn’t until now

Kindle time

Eleanor’s new panchitito 


mary gallagher said...

You are doing a great job documenting. I haven't checked for a few days, as I was on deadline. The pics are awesome, but I want to make them all BIGGER, so I can examine them. Love it all!

Megan said...

Thanks Aunt Mary Grace I am having so much fun writing the blog posts! Sadly I have been sick so hopefully I will feel better soon!

Megan said...

From Eleanor