Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Things he likes (@ 11 years)

1. Cracklin' Oat Bran
2. Granola bars with hummus
3. Watching Company C
4. Doing push-ups
5. Having LONG hair
6. Making origami
7. Reading Rick Riordan books
8. Playing with friends
9. Doing flips on the trampoline
10. Doing magic tricks
11. Making up tunes on the piano
12. Asking "Can I have a turn on the computer?"
13. Flossing (the dance)
14. Singing camp songs
15. Hiking
16. Playing the Pink Panther theme song on the piano
17. Swimming (esp. freestyle)
18. Sleeping in Eleanor's room
19. Playing ukulele
20. Sketching

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